Brave Stages Rehearsal Studio


Top 5 Reasons Why You Can’t Rehearse in Your Head
bravestagesstudio 11 July 2024

Hi! 🤓Let’s talk about why rehearsing your speaking material in your head is a terrible waste of time. No one is saying that you can’t ponder a piece of your material while doing chores or driving. This is a great way to determine specific goals for your next rehearsal.


Okay, places people!

1.  Engaging Your Whole Body

When you rehearse in your head, you miss out on the whole-body value experience. Speaking isn’t just the words you say, it’s how you move and sound. Being creative and expressing yourself is an experiment in play. This is how we use critical thinking to make good performance decisions. By rehearsing out loud, you engage your whole body and make your delivery more dynamic. For a full memorable impact, we never deliver sitting down, especially for a remote gig. They need to feel your energy while you compel their attention.

2.  Fine-Tune Your Voice

Your voice is your most powerful tool. It stimulates bio-chems in the audience’s brain that connect them to your material. When you rehearse out loud, you develop vocal variety, including pitch, tone, and volume. This helps you avoid sounding monotonous and keeps your audience interested (awake😉). You need to hear it to polish it because they can’t feel what you don’t demonstrate.

3.  Master Your Timing

Timing is everything in great speaking. Language has melody and rehearsing out loud helps you get a feel for the pace and where to pause for effect. Event hosts need you to stay within your allotted time. You can’t gauge this accurately in your head. You must use a timer while polishing your timing.

4.  Build Confidence

From the top people! Speaking is an athletic endeavour. It’s vocal, physical and emotional memory. The more you hear yourself speak, the more confidence you build. Rehearsing out loud helps you get used to your voice and reduces anxiety. It’s like practicing a sport—the more you play, the better you get and the more confident you feel!

5.  Catch and Correct Mistakes

When you say your speech out loud, you’re more likely to catch mistakes or awkward phrasing. This is where your camera and voice recorder are your best friends. You can add precision and polish to your delivery. Self-evaluation is a crucial skill to ensure your rehearsal goals are achieved. It’s like editing a draft—you need to read it out loud to spot the areas that need polishing!

So, get off your butt and get to work. Your audience is worth it. The only thing that builds skills is action.

Hugs to all 🤓


Lucia Harper - Creative Speaking Strategist

A charismatic Professional Speaker and Media Relations Consultant for over 25 years, Lucia Harper is a Cultural Communications Strategist with over 30 years on the mic. She is a neurodiverse entrepreneur and loves working with her clients in the STEM and Uniformed professions. Lucia brings the sass.

Her gamified training options are perfect for people with PTSD, operational stress disorder and ADHD. Lucia advocates for a Reliable Optimist style of presentation. Lucia’s preferred clients believe in social responsibility and audience advocacy.

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